CAT Profile | AstroCAT
Short Summary

CATegory - Hobby Token
Asset ID - 4c7e505f68e2f00978db98a2ef01b3b0b5fef2ea92e3f72e47ef37ec528e73c9
AstroCATs is a new community of astrophotographers and astronomy enthusiasts. The project is run by Eugene Beygin, who has been producing stunning images and quality content on his website since 2016.
The 13957 AstroCat tokens minted represent the 13957 deep-sky objects identified by the RNGC/IC astronomical catalog.
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Creator Background
The project was created Eugene Beygin, an amateur astroimaging enthusiast who's work you can check out at
How did you get into Chia?
I've been in the Chia space since May. It was exciting to hear about the release of the CAT1 standard and Offers functionality. I decided to create a utility token that can be used for some real-life use cases, so I applied one of my biggest passions and the project was born!
This opened the door to many interesting possibilities and every day I am discovering new ways of utilizing AstroCAT. First and foremost, AstroCAT is an astroimaging token. The astronomy community is where it can thrive to its full potential. We have distributed an initial batch of tokens to the chia community and price discovery is currently underway.
What are your plans for the token?
Short-term plans are to get a bigger adoption by the astronomy community. We will organize image competitions and space quizzes to get astrophotography enthusiasts into the chia space and vice-versa.
Future plans include support of astronomy events and partnerships with the retail and used astronomy markets.
The project is just getting started and I’m excited to see how far we can take it. I can’t forget to mention what a pleasure it is to be part of such a friendly and helpful chia community!
Anything else the Chia Community should know?
We’re beginning the pre-sale of an NFT collection geared towards astrophotographers. Messier 110 is the first major collection based on the Messier Catalog. It highlights one of the most recognizable and admired deep-space objects in our skies. The custom renditions of these popular galaxies, nebulae and star clusters will be a great collector's item in the astro community.
With public outreach a big component of the project, AstroCAT will be donating 10% of all minting fees to a charitable astronomy organization. The AstroCAT community will vote on which organization should be chosen.
They are now accepting offers in return for M110 tickets which will later be redeemable for 1 Messier NFT mint. Once the NFTs are minted, they will be randomized and the current NFT will have a sell offer created for the M110 token. Ticket holders at the top of the queue can accept the NFT or move to the back of the queue for a new selection.